Open the Image Profiles dialog to create profiles that define customized image formats. These image profiles can be used in the FTP Profiles and the Email Profiles for transferring images different from the current live image settings.
Set the global options that control how camera images can be requested using the HTTP API:
Parameter |
Description |
CGI Access |
Disabling this parameter will prevent access to the customized image format using the HTTP API as described in CGI Parameters of image.jpg. |
Custom Formats |
If this parameter is enabled, customized image formats can be requested using the HTTP API, if it is disabled, only the image profiles defined in this dialog can be used. |
Default Parameter |
These parameters will be used as default values when initializing. |
Best Quality |
If this parameter is enabled, images are generated in best possible quality. Note that this can influence the frame rate of the live stream for a couple of seconds. Activate this parameter when using high-resolution images. |
Click on the More button at the bottom of the dialog to display all options for all profiles.
For each profile, set the following parameters in the Image Profiles dialog:
Parameter |
Description |
Image Profile n |
Enter a unique image profile name. This name will be displayed in the FTP Profiles and Email Profiles dialogs in the Image Profile field. Valid characters are letters, digits, dot, comma and underscore. |
Camera Selection |
Select the image sensor you would like to use. Set the image sensor to Right, Left, Both and Live Image. Live Image always uses the current live image, as it is displayed on the Live screen of the camera. The Auto option is not available on Day&Night models; select Live Image if you need this feature. |
Image Size |
Sets the image format. |
Display Mode |
Use this parameter to control what the camera shows:
NoteNote that - depending on the camera model - some of these features may not be available! |
Screen |
Select the stored view you would like to use. A view is the combination of a direction and a zoom factor. When using display modes with several views, all dependent views are loaded automatically (e.g., the Surround display modes loads the selected and the three subsequent views). |
JPEG Quality |
Select the desired image quality. The higher the image quality, the larger the transferred image file will be. The recommended setting is 60%. |
Mirroring |
Specify whether the image will be mirrored in horizontal, vertical or in both directions. |
Rotation |
Select the rotation of the image. The rotation can be set in steps of 90 degrees. |
Sharpness |
Changes the image sharpness. |
Text Display |
Set the display of text in the image to Off, On or Date & time. Set the parameters for Text background color and Opacity of background color to the desired values. |
Text Color |
Sets the color for text that is displayed in the image. |
Background Color |
Sets the text background color. |
Background Opacity |
Sets the opacity of the text background color. |
Date and Time |
Sets the desired time format. |
Comment |
Any text you would to show in the image can also contain placeholders and variables. |
Text Font Size |
Sets the size of the text that is displayed in the image. |
Logo Profile |
Select one or more logos to display in every transferred image from this list box. Note that some of these logos may be deactivated or not available for the selected resolution of this custom format. Logos that are forced for this resolution in the Logo Profiles dialog cannot be disabled here. They will always be displayed in the image. |
Click on the Add new profile button at the bottom of the dialog to create a new profile. Overtype the proposed name with a name that describes the profile as good as possible; this name is used to identify the profile in other dialogs (e.g. the detail view of the action groups).
In order to delete a profile, activate the Delete checkbox at the top of the profile. The profile will be deleted as soon as you click on Set at the bottom of the dialog.
Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.
Klicken Sie auf Voreinstellung, um diesen Dialog auf die werkseitigen Voreinstellungen zurückzusetzen (dieser Button wird nicht in allen Dialogen angezeigt).
Klicken Sie auf Wiederherstellen, um alle Änderungen seit dem letzten permanenten Speichern der Konfiguration zu verwerfen.
Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.
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